Gratitude list PRO!

by Vega Star


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Everybody knows that “thank you” is good manners, but recent science is demonstrating and proving in...

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Everybody knows that “thank you” is good manners, but recent science is demonstrating and proving inarguably that living a life of gratitude is also good for you. A daily dose of gratitude promotes health, happiness, and positive social relationships, according to studies conducted by leading psychologists at UC Davis, UC Berkeley, and University of Miami. How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier.Studies found that the people who were consciously grateful:• Felt better about their lives.• Were more optimistic.• Were more energetic.• Were more enthusiastic.• Were more determined.• Were more interested.• Were more joyful.• Exercised more.• Had fewer illnesses.• Got more sleep.• Were more likely to have helped someone else.Related studies have found other benefits as well, all of which could arguably be linked to a grateful mind-set: clearer thinking, better resilience during tough times, higher immune response, less likelihood of being plagued by stress, longer lives, closer family ties, and higher performance in the workplace or academic setting.Clearly “thank you” is not only good manners. It’s a way of life that can change the world!

Every day good things happen. It is important to record what they are. Now there is the way each day write down what good happened to you. Then you can always remember how wonderful life can be.Not have any journal will "log diary". Write some good items that happened to you today is important. And some more writing down all day will accrue to you show how beautiful the world.
Why a Gratitude List?

Seems a little "hokey", doesn't it? Why would anyone take valuable time to sit down with a blank list, and write down things in their life that stir a sense of gratitude? With all the important things that need to be done today, who has time for such foolishness? Well...
First, it stops us from chasing all the "important" things in our life that always need to be done today. So much of life is frantic, automatic, mindless, inefficient---doing. The gratitude list takes us for a moment from the posture of "I need to do...", and moves us to a fresh perspective of "I need to be, to feel, to experience...". I may find something much deeper, much more satisfying.
Second, we become a little less the center of the universe. Being in the driver's seat of the world is an incredible responsibility. I know. Been there, done that. A "Friend of Bill" here. No peace in that seat. But when we sit down to focus on those things for which we feel gratitude, our mind moves from ourselves to those things that give us a sense of well-being, and confidence that everything is OK, at least for today. We become aware that there is power greater than ourselves, lifting us and keeping us. You don't want to call that power God? That's fine. I do. But whatever you call it, just know that it "ain't you".
Third, my focus on those things that DO need to be done today becomes clearer. You know the expression, "He's running around like a chicken with its head cut off." Sometimes don't our days feel just like that? If we stop and take time to think on the things that bring us gratitude, and remove ourselves as dictator of the world, it is amazing how things work out. We may work more efficiently, focused more clearly on what we are doing.
Fourth, we will probably be happier, more content, more pleasant people. Isn't that what we really want? Things may not have changed, but WE have. Instead of starting the day with, "Life Sucks!", we are asking the question, "How am I grateful?" That "hokey" little act can be profound.